I have to open an md-dialog which contains an md-tab-group with two tabs. The md-dialog can be opened from two buttons which supposed to open the corresponding tab. The template from where the md-dialog is opened:
<button md-button class="" (click)="openDialog(1)">open tab 1</button>
<button md-button class="" (click)="openDialog(2)">open tab 2</button>
The component.ts:
openDialog(type) {
var data: any = {};
data.type = type;
let dialogRef = this.dialog.open(TwoTabDialog, {height: 'auto', width: '529px', data: data});
dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(result => {});
And the dialog template:
<md-tab-group class="follow-dialog">
<md-tab label="tab 1" id="followers-tab" md-active="data.type == 1">
tab 1 content
<md-tab label="tab 2" id="following-tab" md-active="data.type == 2">
tab 2 content
The problem is that tab 1 is opened all the times.
You need to use the [selectedIndex]
attribute of <md-tab-group>
. Assuming that data.type
represents a tabIndex
, you can do the following:
<md-tab-group class="follow-dialog" [selectedIndex]="data?.type-1">
<md-tab label="tab 1" id="followers-tab">
tab 1 content
<md-tab label="tab 2" id="following-tab">
tab 2 content
Remove the md-active
expression, you don't need that. Remember that the index of tabs starts at 0, thats why subtracting 1 in this expression: [selectedIndex]="data?.type-1"
Link to Plunker Demo