I use noam image manager for my yii2 app https://github.com/noam148/yii2-image-manager
and in the components , they told me to put this
'components' => [
'imagemanager' => [
'class' => 'noam148\imagemanager\components\ImageManagerGetPath',
//set media path (outside the web folder is possible)
'mediaPath' => '/path/where/to/store/images/media/imagemanager',
//path relative web folder to store the cache images
'cachePath' => 'assets/images',
//use filename (seo friendly) for resized images else use a hash
'useFilename' => true,
//show full url (for example in case of a API)
'absoluteUrl' => false,
and i tried so many times to make the extension create folder outside the web folder , and always not working , can somebody help me on this ?
i found the way to move the target , all you have to do is make link shortcut in config files, and use it in params file , and also you can modified the model in the composer files directly