I am about to finish to study the Intermediate Perl book.
In chapter 18 Object Destruction is introduced the following DESTROY
method definition:
# lib/Animal.pm
package Animal {
# ...
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{temp_filename}){
my $fh = $self->{temp_fh};
close $fh;
unlink $self->{temp_filename};
print '[', $self->name, " has died.]\n";
# ...
# lib/Horse.pm
package Horse {
use parent qw(Animal)
# ...
my $self = shift;
$self->SUPER::DESTROY if $self->can( 'SUPER::DESTROY' );
print "[", $self->name, " has gone off to the glue factory.]\n";
# ...
After a few unsuccessfully attempt, I wrote this test based on this answer:
# t/Horse.t
#!perl -T
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 6;
use Test::Output;
# some other tests
# test DESTROY() when SUPER::DESTROY is not defined;
my $tv_horse = Horse->named('Mr. Ed');
stdout_is( sub { $tv_horse->DESTROY }, "[Mr. Ed has died.]\n[Mr. Ed has gone off to the glue factory.]\n",
'Horse DESTROY() when SUPER::DESTROY is defined');
my $tv_horse = Horse->named('Mr. Ed');
sub Animal::DESTROY { undef }
stdout_is( sub { $tv_horse->DESTROY }, "[Mr. Ed has gone off to the glue factory.]\n",
'Horse DESTROY() when SUPER::DESTROY is not defined');
I cannot test the output correctly for both cases since the method redefinition sub Animal::DESTROY { undef }
is affecting also the test in the previous block.
Do you know any way to ensure the method redefinition to work as expected?
This should set removed/redefined subroutine only until the end of enclosing block,
# not needed when removing method
# no warnings 'redefine';
my $tv_horse = Horse->named('Mr. Ed');
# returns undef
# local *Animal::DESTROY = sub { undef };
# remove the mothod until end of the enclosing block
local *Animal::DESTROY;
# ..