I have some problem for accessing array data in my custom library.
my model
<?php if( ! defined('BASEPATH'))exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Laporan_Gaji_M extends CI_Model {
function __construct() {
function data_ku()
$sql = "SELECT a.idx, a.kode, a.jenis, a.nama, a.tgl_masuk,
a.status_karyawan, a.kelamin, a.status_tk, a.tunj_tetap,
a.tunj_jabatan, a.tunj_keahlian, a.medical_housing, a.upah_lembur,
a.gaji, c.nama AS nama_jabatan, a.kd_finger, b.* FROM
hrd_master_pegawai AS a LEFT JOIN hrd_laporan_absensi AS b ON
a.kd_finger = b.kode_finger AND b.bulan = '$bulan' LEFT JOIN
hrd_master_jabatan AS c ON a.jabatan = c.id_jabatan";
$row = $this->db->query($sql);
foreach ($row->result_array() as $value) {
$data = new Payroll_G($value); // i try send to my custom library and access the arrays data but not working.
I try to get the $value["jenis"]
in models and working fine, but when I try to get $value["jenis"]
in my custom library. I got message
Severity: Notice Message: Undefined index: jenis Filename: libraries/Payroll_G.php**
here my custom library
class Payroll_G extends Payroll {
function __construct($value = array()) {
function hitung($value) {
// message => Undefined index: jenis
The error occurs when you initially load the library inside the Models's construct since $value is empty. And you also initialize the class inside a loop repeatedly.
I suggest you use codeigniter's function calls convention:
foreach ($row->result_array() as $value) {
$data = $this->Payroll_G->hitung($value);
class Payroll_G extends Payroll {
function __construct() {
function hitung($value=array()) {