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Default values with @ProjectedPayload / ProjectingJackson2HttpMessageConverter

I am using @ProjectedPayload on an interface to bind a JSON request body to a proxied instance of my interface. My interface is as follows (in Kotlin, the val just translates to a Java getter):

interface ImportServer {

    val id: UUID?
    val name: String?


Now, the id here is completely optional, but there is no way for me to specify that, at least as far as I can tell. If I try to access the id property without it being present in the request body I will receive an exception from JsonPath: com.jayway.jsonpath.PathNotFoundException: No results for path: $['id']. If I could configure JsonPath I could use Option.DEFAULT_PATH_LEAF_TO_NULL and I'd get null for elements that are not present. But there is no way for me to get at the JsonPath configuration, it happens locked away inside JsonProjectingMethodInterceptorFactory.

Is there a way for me to specify a default here? Or is there a way for me to detect if the id is present without accessing the id property in the first place?


  • That's a bug and has been fixed with DATACMNS-1145. Will be released with Ingalls SR7 and transitively with Boot 1.5.7.