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How to get not full collection using Hibernate?

I study Hibernate and now have such structure:

Class Person:

public class Person {


  private List<Task> tasks;



Class Task:

public class Task {


  private boolean isCompleted;

  private Person person;



My question is: How can I get Person object with only tasks which are completed? I tried this HQL query using Hibernate Session:

SELECT person FROM Person person JOIN Task task WIH task.completed = true

but of course I get just persons that have completed tasks but every list cotains the rest of them also. I've heard something about Criteria abilities but it's deprecated. So how can I do it via HQL or some new API? I use Hibernate 5. Thanks for any help.


  • Try this

    @OneToMany(...) @Where(clause = "is_completed = true")

    Please note that you have to write sql in the @Where clause value, since this will be applied during native sql generation.

    From documentation-

    • Where clause to add to the element Entity or target entity of a collection
    • The clause is written in SQL