Good afternoon, I'm using Delphi Tokyo 10.2.1 and trying to compile for OSX Sierra on my iMac. There is an error when I install and try to use a TWebbrowser
component in my project, the error in question is as follows:
First chance exception at $0001AC6C. Exception class EObjectiveC with message 'Method procedure webView(sender: WebView; didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame: WebFrame) of class TWebFrameLoadDelegate not found'. Process Project1 (1022)
If I remove the TWebBrowser
component from the form it runs normally on imac. If I put it back to give this error! Is there any configuration in Delphi specific for this component?
if anyone has the same problem, please know that the only way I was able to do it was to downgrade to Delphi 10.1 Berlin. Unfortunately the Tokyo version has some problem, even in the Android compilations. I reinstalled several times, including on other computers, but the problem persists at all. Anyway, it is now working correctly in the previous version.