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TWebbrowser in Delphi displays error while compiling for OSX

Good afternoon, I'm using Delphi Tokyo 10.2.1 and trying to compile for OSX Sierra on my iMac. There is an error when I install and try to use a TWebbrowser component in my project, the error in question is as follows:

First chance exception at $0001AC6C. Exception class EObjectiveC with message 'Method procedure webView(sender: WebView; didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame: WebFrame) of class TWebFrameLoadDelegate not found'. Process Project1 (1022)

If I remove the TWebBrowser component from the form it runs normally on imac. If I put it back to give this error! Is there any configuration in Delphi specific for this component?


  • if anyone has the same problem, please know that the only way I was able to do it was to downgrade to Delphi 10.1 Berlin. Unfortunately the Tokyo version has some problem, even in the Android compilations. I reinstalled several times, including on other computers, but the problem persists at all. Anyway, it is now working correctly in the previous version.