I'm trying to create o hierarchy of joints for a skeleton in maya python. And I'm doing this
def makeSkelet(args):
helperSkelet('Root_Locator', 'root_Joint')
helperSkelet('Pelvis_Locator', 'pelvis_Joint')
helperSkelet('Spine_Locator', 'spine_Joint')
helperSkelet('Spine01_Locator', 'spine01_Joint')
helperSkelet('Spine02_Locator', 'spine02_Joint')
helperSkelet('Neck_Locator', 'neck_Joint')
helperSkelet('Head_Locator', 'head_Joint')
helperSkelet('ArmL_Locator', 'armL_joint')
helperSkelet('ElbowL_Locator', 'elbowL_Joint')
helperSkelet('HandL_Locator', 'handL_Joint')
helperSkelet('ArmR_Locator', 'armR_joint')
helperSkelet('ElbowR_Locator', 'elbowR_Joint')
helperSkelet('HandR_Locator', 'handR_Joint')
helperSkelet('HipL_Locator', 'hipL_joint')
helperSkelet('KneeL_Locator', 'kneeL_Joint')
helperSkelet('AnkleL_Locator', 'ankleL_Joint')
helperSkelet('FootL_Locator', 'footL_Joint')
helperSkelet('HipR_Locator', 'hipR_joint')
helperSkelet('KneeR_Locator', 'kneeR_Joint')
helperSkelet('AnkleR_Locator', 'ankleR_Joint')
helperSkelet('FootR_Locator', 'footR_Joint')
Now this works fine, because the joints must be created in this order. (the helper skelet is a function where i create the joint with the reference to a locator position)
I was wondering if there is a more optimized way to do this considering the order or creation must be kept .
Thank you
If by "optimize" you mean getting better performace, I agree with what @downshift said.
If what you meant was instead making your code "cleaner" (more general or scalable or simply more pythonic), here's another way you can do the same, which is a bit more compact (and separates the logic from your input):
def helperSkeletGroup(group, symmetric=False):
# quick workaround to capitalize a word, leaving the following letters unchanged
capitalize = lambda s: s[:1].upper() + s[1:]
symmetric_group = []
for elem in group:
if symmetric:
elem = '{0}L'.format(elem)
# format locators and joints
loc, joint = '{0}_Locator'.format(capitalize(elem)), '{0}_Joint'.format(elem)
helperSkelet(loc, joint)
if symmetric_group:
helperSkeletGroup(['root', 'pelvis', 'spine', 'spine01', 'spine02', 'neck', 'head'])
helperSkeletGroup(['arm', 'elbow', 'hand'], True)
helperSkeletGroup(['hip', 'knee', 'ankle', 'foot'], True)
This comes with a few advantages:
Alternatively, you could go with an OOP approach. Here's an example:
class Skeleton:
def __init__(self):
self.joint_groups = []
def add_joint_group(self, group, symmetric=False):
# quick workaround to capitalize a word, leaving the following letters unchanged
capitalize = lambda s: s[:1].upper() + s[1:]
processed, processed_symmetric = [], []
for elem in group:
if symmetric:
elem = '{0}L'.format(elem)
processed.append(('{0}_Locator'.format(capitalize(elem)), '{0}_Joint'.format(elem)))
if processed_symmetric:
def helper_skelet(self, loc, joint):
# your helper logic goes here
print loc, joint
def build(self):
for group in self.joint_groups:
for loc, joint in group:
self.helper_skelet(loc, joint)
skeleton = Skeleton()
skeleton.add_joint_group(['root', 'pelvis', 'spine', 'spine01', 'spine02', 'neck', 'head'])
skeleton.add_joint_group(['arm', 'elbow', 'hand'], True)
skeleton.add_joint_group(['hip', 'knee', 'ankle', 'foot'], True)
from pprint import pformat
print pformat(skeleton.joint_groups)
Here the code is a bit longer but it is all contained in a single object, where you could store additional data, which you get only at construction time and which you might need later on.
EDIT (to answer @Giakaama's question in the comment):
If you save the class in a separate file skeleton_class.py
, you can import the class in your main.py (or whatever you want to call it), as such:
from skeleton_class import Skeleton
where the lower-case skeleton_class
refers to your module (read: file) and Skeleton
is the class itself.
Once you've done that, you can do the same as above:
skeleton = Skeleton()
skeleton.add_joint_group(['root', 'pelvis', 'spine', 'spine01', 'spine02', 'neck', 'head'])
skeleton.add_joint_group(['arm', 'elbow', 'hand'], True)