Just out of curiosity and to learn a little bit about the general structure of Crystal, I was looking for some reflection features that would allow me to better understand how the inheritance chain is built.
I was thinking something like ruby's superclass, ancestors or included_modules methods.
Is there something like that available in Crystal language?
Moreover, it would be useful to have some kind of diagram that could show me the big picture.
Metaprogramming in Crystal is achieved using macros.
Macros are methods that receive AST nodes at compile-time and produce code that is pasted into a program.
Crystal already has implementations of superclass
and ancestors
which return results at compile time. So you can do:
{{ pp MyClass.superclass }}
{{ pp MyClass.ancestors }}
For convenience, to inspect the inheritance you can write your own macros. Having learning purpose in mind, it may look like this:
class Class
def superclass
{{ @type.superclass }}
def ancestors
{% if @type.ancestors.size > 0 %}
{{ @type.ancestors }}
{% else %}
[] of Nil
{% end %}
def included_modules
{% if @type.ancestors.any? { |a| a.class.stringify.ends_with?(":Module") } %}
{{ @type.ancestors.select { |a| a.class.stringify.ends_with?(":Module") } }}
{% else %}
[] of Nil
{% end %}
def inheritance_chain
String.build do |chain|
cls = self
chain << cls
while !(cls = cls.superclass).nil?
chain << " > #{cls}"
Then you can do the inspection:
class A
module B
require "crystal/system/random"
class C < A
include B
include Crystal::System::Random
C.name # => "C"
C.superclass # => A
C.ancestors # => [Crystal::System::Random, B, A, Reference, Object]
C.included_modules # => [Crystal::System::Random, B]
A.included_modules # => []
And if you go further:
C.superclass # => A
C.superclass.try &.superclass # => Reference
C.superclass.try &.superclass.try &.superclass # => Object
C.superclass.try &.superclass.try &.superclass.try &.superclass # => nil
And now using inheritance_chain
Int32.inheritance_chain # => "Int32 > Int > Number > Value > Object"
String.inheritance_chain # => "String > Reference > Object"
Float64.inheritance_chain # => "Float64 > Float > Number > Value > Object"
Array(Bool).inheritance_chain # => "Array(Bool) > Reference > Object"
Hash(Bool, Bool).inheritance_chain # => "Hash(Bool, Bool) > Reference > Object"
Tuple(Char).inheritance_chain # => "Tuple(Char) > Struct > Value > Object"
NamedTuple(s: String, b: Bool).inheritance_chain # => "NamedTuple(s: String, b: Bool) > Struct > Value > Object"
Nil.inheritance_chain # => "Nil > Value > Object"
Regex.inheritance_chain # => "Regex > Reference > Object"
Symbol.inheritance_chain # => "Symbol > Value > Object"
Proc(Int32).inheritance_chain # => "Proc(Int32) > Struct > Value > Object"
Set(String).inheritance_chain # => "Set(String) > Struct > Value > Object"
Exception.inheritance_chain # => "Exception > Reference > Object"
Class.inheritance_chain # => "Class > Value > Object"
# union
alias UnionType = Int32 | Nil | String
UnionType.inheritance_chain # => "(Int32 | String | Nil) > Value > Object"
# nilable
Int32?.inheritance_chain # => "(Int32 | Nil) > Value > Object"
# pointer
alias Int32Ptr = Int32*
Int32Ptr.inheritance_chain # => "Pointer(Int32) > Struct > Value > Object"
# ...