In formal language theory (with Kleene Star) if I wanted to create a regualr expression that defines the language containing all words over the Set {a ,b}, with exactly 4 a's or 5 b's.
(note the book I have uses + for OR, and * for 0 or many)
So far I have:
[a(b*)aaa + aa(b*)aa + aaa(b*)a + aaaa(b*) + abababab + babababa + (b*)aaaa]
[b(a*)bbbb + bb(a*)bbb + bbb(a*)bb + bbbb(a*)b + bbbbb(a*) + (a*)bbbbb + bababababa + ababababab]
Is there a shorten way to do this? It does not seem that theory allows the use of min and max for letters.
Your expression doesn't suit all possibilities (e.g. babababababbbb
). The searched expression should be much easier:
[ b*ab*ab*ab*ab* + a*ba*ba*ba*ba*ba* ]