I need to access the real part specific element of a cv::Mat
that contains std::complex<double>
OpenCV provides codes of how to create a complex cv::Mat_
here (search the page for the keyword "complex" and the first mention of that word is where the example is).
Here is my attempt:
Mat B = Mat_<std::complex<double> >(3, 3);
cout << B.depth() << ", " << B.channels() << endl;
B.at<double>(0, 0) = 0;
cout << "B(0,0) = " << B.at<double>(0, 0).real(); // Error due to .rea()
The Mat
is filled with the type std::complex<double>
but you're requesting a double
when you write B.at<double>(0, 0)
; the return type is double
, which doesn't have a .real()
method. Instead you need to return the complex type which your Mat
cout << "B(0,0) = " << B.at<std::complex<double> >(0, 0).real();
B(0,0) = 0
If you want to set an imaginary number, you'll need to actually pass that into the matrix, otherwise it just sets the real part:
B.at<double>(0, 0) = 2;
cout << "B(0,0) = " << B.at<std::complex<double> >(0, 0);
B(0,0) = (2,0)
B.at<std::complex<double> >(0, 0) = std::complex<double> (2, 1);
cout << "B(0,0) = " << B.at<std::complex<double> >(0, 0);
B(0,0) = (2,1)