I have a set of lat/long coordinates under WGS84 Zone=21 N and i am trying to re-project into UTM format but i am getting numbers that are really wonky;
plot_coord_SW <- data.frame(PLOT=c(1,2,3,8,9,10),east_proj=c(5.01964,5.022444,5.025106,5.016922,5.014864,5.011755),north_proj=c(-58.6252,-58.6247, -58.6248,-58.6203,-58.6203,-58.6211))
coordinates(plot_coord_SW) <- c("east_proj","north_proj") #converts to spatialpointsdataframe
proj4string(plot_coord_SW) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84") #sets the
coordinate reference system=WGS84
reproj_UTM <- spTransform(plot_coord_SW, CRS("+proj=utm +zone=21 ellps=WGS84"))
coordinates PLOT
1 (3670898, -8215608) 1
2 (3671045, -8215729) 2
3 (3671124, -8215883) 3
4 (3671325, -8215133) 8
5 (3671255, -8215020) 9
6 (3671066, -8214901) 10
I crossed checked with the first set of coordinates [plot 1] with an online conversion and it's completely different and correct based on the map projection: http://www.rcn.montana.edu/resources/converter.aspx
coordinates PLOT
1 (319820.9, 555058.9) 1
Any advice/guidance on what the error might be would be greatly appreciated.
thanks. Anand
your lat long is wrong, if it says
north_proj=c(-58.6252,-58.6247, -58.6248,-58.6203,-58.6203,-58.6211))
that means south; if you exchange north_proj by east_proj you get coordinates like those you mentioned:
> coordinates(reproj_UTM_32)
east_proj north_proj
[1,] 319820.9 555058.9
[2,] 319877.2 555368.8
[3,] 319866.8 555663.2
[4,] 320363.6 554757.0
[5,] 320363.0 554529.4
[6,] 320273.5 554185.8