I'm writing up a small parser which parses constraints, using Flex and Lemon. Lemon is reporting a couple of parsing conflicts I haven't been able to get rid of. Are there any particular tricks for getting rid of parsing conflicts in a context free grammar?
The grammar is as follows.
// Reprint of input file "Constraint_grammar.y".
// Symbols:
// 0 $ 5 NE 10 PLUS 15 NOT 20 error
// 1 IFF 6 GT 11 MINUS 16 LPAREN 21 constraint
// 2 AND 7 GTE 12 TIMES 17 RPAREN 22 bool_expr
// 3 OR 8 LT 13 DIVIDE 18 VARIABLE 23 int_expr
constraint ::= bool_expr.
bool_expr ::= LPAREN bool_expr RPAREN.
int_expr ::= LPAREN int_expr RPAREN.
bool_expr ::= int_expr LT int_expr.
bool_expr ::= int_expr GT int_expr.
bool_expr ::= int_expr EQ int_expr.
bool_expr ::= int_expr NE int_expr.
bool_expr ::= int_expr GTE int_expr.
bool_expr ::= int_expr LTE int_expr.
bool_expr ::= bool_expr AND bool_expr.
bool_expr ::= bool_expr OR bool_expr.
bool_expr ::= bool_expr IFF bool_expr.
int_expr ::= int_expr PLUS int_expr.
int_expr ::= int_expr MINUS int_expr.
int_expr ::= int_expr TIMES int_expr.
int_expr ::= int_expr DIVIDE int_expr.
int_expr ::= int_expr POWER int_expr.
bool_expr ::= NOT bool_expr.
int_expr ::= MINUS int_expr.
int_expr ::= VARIABLE.
bool_expr ::= VARIABLE.
int_expr ::= INTEGER.
%nonassoc IFF.
%left AND.
%left OR.
%nonassoc EQ NE GT GTE LT LTE.
%right POWER NOT.
%nonassoc LPAREN RPAREN.
The errors are as follows.
State 28:
(19) int_expr ::= VARIABLE *
(20) bool_expr ::= VARIABLE *
$ reduce 20
IFF reduce 20
AND reduce 20
OR reduce 20
EQ reduce 19
NE reduce 19
GT reduce 19
GTE reduce 19
LT reduce 19
LTE reduce 19
PLUS reduce 19
MINUS reduce 19
TIMES reduce 19
DIVIDE reduce 19
POWER reduce 19
RPAREN reduce 19
RPAREN reduce 20 ** Parsing conflict **
State 40:
bool_expr ::= bool_expr * AND bool_expr
bool_expr ::= bool_expr * OR bool_expr
bool_expr ::= bool_expr * IFF bool_expr
(11) bool_expr ::= bool_expr IFF bool_expr *
$ reduce 11
IFF shift 4
IFF reduce 11 ** Parsing conflict **
AND shift 1
OR shift 3
RPAREN reduce 11
The whole parser generator report is over here. http://pastebin.com/TRsV3WvK
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong here? Can I ignore these conflicts?
I would expect to fix the 'State 28' conflict by distinguishing between a boolean variable and an integer variable, using the symbol table to help determine which type of token is returned. You'd have BOOL_VARIABLE and INT_VARIABLE, perhaps. Testing shows that this change gets rid of the 'State 28' conflict.
The 'State 40' conflict is easily removed by changing the associativity of IFF from nonassoc
to left
. Is there a good reason not to make it associative?