Pony ORM appears to be sorting by the string of the Json value instead of the integral value. Is there a way to get this to order correctly?
Here's an example:
from pony.orm import (
Database, Required, Optional, db_session, commit,
show, Json)
db = Database()
db.bind('sqlite', filename=':memory:', create_db=True)
class Person(db.Entity):
name = Required(str)
body = Optional(Json, default={})
with db_session:
Person(name='bort', body={'age': 1})
Person(name='baz', body={'age': 2})
Person(name='bar', body={'age': 10})
Person(name='foo', body={'age': 20})
people = Person.select().order_by(lambda p: p.body['age'])
1 |bort|{'age': 1}
3 |bar |{'age': 10}
2 |baz |{'age': 2}
4 |foo |{'age': 20}
Is there a way to work around this, does Pony ORM not support this, or am I doing something wrong?
This issue was resolved in 0.7.3