I'm beginner in RoR and I would like to implement a custom action in forest admin for import data (csv). http://doc.forestadmin.com/developers-guide/#triggering-an-action-from-the-collection
I have my actions_controller (controllers/forest/actions_controller.rb):
class Forest::ActionsController < ForestLiana::ApplicationController
require 'data_uri'
def bulk_import
uri = URI::Data.new(params.dig('data', 'attributes', 'values', 'file'))
CSV.parse(uri.data).each do |row|
:departement=> row[0],
:slug => row[1],
:nom => row[2],
:nom_simple => row[3],
render json: { success: 'Data successfuly imported!' }
My collection (lib/forest_liana/collections/geo.rb):
class Forest::Geo
include ForestLiana::Collection
collection :geos
action 'bulk_import', global: true,
fields: [{
field: 'importer csv', type: 'File', isRequired: true, description: "Personal description",
And i add in my routes:
namespace :forest do
post '/actions/bulk_import' => 'actions#bulk_import'
This doesn't work... :/
The message error:
Started OPTIONS "/forest/actions/bulk_import" for at 2017-08-19 18:52:30 +0200
Started POST "/forest/actions/bulk_import" for at 2017-08-19 18:52:30 +0200
Processing by Forest::ActionsController#bulk_import as HTML
Parameters: {"data"=>{"attributes"=>{"ids"=>[], "values"=>{"importer csv"=>"data:text/csv;base64,77u/ZGVwYXJ0ZW1lbnQsIHNsdWcsIG5vbSwgbm9tX3NpbXBsZQ0iMSwiIjAxIiIsIiJvemFuIiIsIiJPWkFOIiIi"}, "collection_name"=>"geos"}, "type"=>"custom-action-requests"}}
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 3ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)
URI::InvalidURIError - Invalid Data URI: nil:
data_uri (0.1.0) lib/data_uri/uri.rb:15:in `initialize'
app/controllers/forest/actions_controller.rb:4:in `bulk_import'
In your configuration, the field is named importer csv
so it is this field name that will be sent in the request.
In lib/forest_liana/collections/geo.rb
class Forest::Geo
include ForestLiana::Collection
collection :geos
action 'bulk_import', global: true,
fields: [{
field: 'importer csv', type: 'File', isRequired: true, description: "Personal description",
In your controller, you should do:
uri = URI::Data.new(params.dig('data', 'attributes', 'values', 'importer csv'))
Instead of :
uri = URI::Data.new(params.dig('data', 'attributes', 'values', 'file'))
It looks like importer csv
should be the name of the action and not the field.
If you want to name your action like this, here is the suitable configuration:
class Forest::Geo
include ForestLiana::Collection
collection :geos
action 'Importer CSV', global: true,
fields: [{
field: 'importer csv', type: 'File', isRequired: true, description: "Personal description",