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Drools 7 with CDI using Weld

I've managed to run Drools with CDI using version 6.3.0.Final, CDI version 1.2 and Weld version 2.30.Final. Using code sample below.

 public class App {

    private KieSession kSession;

    public void bootstrapDrools() {
        // The KieSession was injected so we can use it now
        kSession.insert("Hi There!");
        int rulesFired = kSession.fireAllRules();
        System.out.println(">>> Rules Fired: "+rulesFired);


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Boostrap the CDI container, in this case WELD
        Weld w = new Weld();

        WeldContainer wc = w.initialize();
        App app =;


Now I'm trying to do the same using drools 7.2.0 final.

But I can't get it to work. Any ideas?


  • As I answer in my blog post you need to add the following dependency in drools 7 to get those examples working: org.drools drools-cdi ${kie.version}