There are a lot of variations of actor/movies queries. And I can't find correct approach, when trying to select from non-group columns: I have 3 tables film(film_id, title), actor(actor_id, first_name, last_name), film_actor(actor_id, film_id). So, I need to find 2 actors, which play together the most and show output as actor1_last_name, actor2_last_name, film_title for first 5 such films. What I'm doing is first, count appearance of actors:
select r1.actor_id as actor_a, r2.actor_id as actor_b,
count(r1.film_id) as casted_together
from film_actor r1 inner join film_actor r2 on r1.film_id = r2.film_id
and r1.actor_id > r2.actor_id
group by r1.actor_id, r2.actor_id
order by casted_together desc
This returns me table like
actor_a | actor_b| casted_together
Name Name 7
... ... 6
But once I try to add film.title to select it says I can't use it in case it is not in group section ((select title from film where film_id = r1.film_id) as film_title
). subquery uses ungrouped column "r1.film_id" from outer query
How can I use results from above grouping and add there some outer column? In my case it is film.title
Desired output:
actor_a_last_name | actor_b_last_name| film_title
Name Name Title
... ... ...
Say, George Clooney and Bread Pitt have the most number of films together (9) And result should show first 5 of 9 lines
actor_a_last_name | actor_b_last_name| film_title
Clooney Pitt Film 1
Clooney Pitt Film 2
... ... ...
Use an aggregate, e.g. string_agg()
or array_agg()
r1.actor_id as actor_a,
r2.actor_id as actor_b,
count(r1.film_id) as casted_together,
string_agg(f.title, ', ') as films
from film_actor r1
join film_actor r2
on r1.film_id = r2.film_id
and r1.actor_id > r2.actor_id
join film f
on r1.film_id = f.film_id
group by r1.actor_id, r2.actor_id
order by casted_together desc
Use the query as a derived table and add actor names and a film title:
from (
r1.actor_id as actor_a_id,
r2.actor_id as actor_b_id,
count(r1.film_id) as casted_together,
array_agg(r1.film_id) as film_ids
from film_actor r1
join film_actor r2
on r1.film_id = r2.film_id
and r1.actor_id > r2.actor_id
join film f
on r1.film_id = f.film_id
group by r1.actor_id, r2.actor_id
order by casted_together desc
limit 1
) s
join actor a1 on a1.actor_id = s.actor_a_id
join actor a2 on a2.actor_id = s.actor_b_id
join film f on f.film_id = any(s.film_ids)