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Problems in VBA with Bloomberg function on a LOOP

I'm trying to use this code to introduce a formula from A2 to the end of my database in steps of two cells.

Sub addbdh()

Dim i As Integer
Dim n As Integer

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select

n = Selection.Count

For i = 1 To n

Cells(3, i * 2 - 1).Formula = "BDH(""A"" & "i * 2 - 1", "A1", "B1, "hoy()")"

Next i

End Sub

The problem is that I get an error on the instruction:

Cells(3, i * 2 - 1).Formula = "BDH(""A"" & "i * 2 - 1", ""A1"", ""B1"", "Today()")"

specifically in the "i * 2 - 1" part, I get an Excel MsgBox which says "Expected end of statement" (in spanish: "se esperaba: fin de la instrucción".

¿Could anyone help me to find the error on the code?

Tank you so much.


  • In general, .Formula shows the real English formula. Whatever your language is. Thus, Hoy() should be changed to Today().

    In general, try like this:

    Cells(3, i * 2 - 1).Formula = "=BDH(A" & i * 2 - 1 & ", A1, B1, Today())"

    In general, when you have a problem like "How to translate a working Excel formula to VBA" do the following:

    1. Select the working formula in Excel.
    2. Run the following code.
    3. Take the formula from the immediate window and fix it a bit to put the variable i * 2 - 1.

    Public Sub PrintMeUsefulFormula()
        Dim strFormula  As String
        Dim strParenth  As String
        strParenth = """"
        strFormula = Selection.Formula
        strFormula = Replace(strFormula, """", """""")
        strFormula = strParenth & strFormula & strParenth
        Debug.Print strFormula
    End Sub