I find myself in a situation where I have the necessity to scale down container instances based on their actual lifetime. It looks like fresh instances are removed first when scaling down through marathon's API. Is there any configuration I'm not aware of to implement this kind of strategy or policy when scaling down instances on apache marathon?
As of right now I'm using marathon-lb-autoscale to atumatically adjust the number of running instances. What actually happens under the hood though is that marathon-lb-autoscale
does perform a PUT
request updating the instances
property of the current application when req/s increases or decreaseas.
scale_list.each do |app,instances|
req = Net::HTTP::Put.new('/v2/apps/' + app)
if !@options.marathonCredentials.empty?
req.basic_auth(@options.marathonCredentials[0], @options.marathonCredentials[1])
req.content_type = 'application/json'
req.body = JSON.generate({'instances'=>instances})
Net::HTTP.new(@options.marathon.host, @options.marathon.port).start do |http|
I don't know if the upgradeStrategy
configuration is taken into account when scaling down instances. With default settings i cannot get the expected behaviour to work.
"upgradeStrategy": {
"minimumHealthCapacity": 1,
"maximumOverCapacity": 1
PUT /v2/apps/my-app {instances: 3}
PUT /v2/apps/my-app {instances: 2}
PUT /v2/apps/my-app {instances: 3}
PUT /v2/apps/my-app {instances: 2}
One can specify a killSelection
directly inside the application's config and specify YoungestFirst
which kills youngest tasks first or OldestFirst
which kills the oldest ones first.
Reference: https://mesosphere.github.io/marathon/docs/configure-task-handling.html