Can you please help me to check if the location service is enabled or not in Appcelerator. I am working with Titanium SDk 6.1.2 and Samsung S5 with Marshmellow OS. Even though the GPS is enabled/not in device, But every time it results in false. Thanks in Advance.
First of all you need to check for Location Permissions for app in Android & then you need to check if location service is enabled in device or not.
Both are different statements.
First one checks for app permission to access location & 2nd is about checking location service is on or off.
Without checking Location Permissions first on Android, you cannot check for location on/off state, else it will always lead to false status.
First of all add this in tiapp.xml in ios -> plist -> dict
<string>Determine Current Location</string>
Now here's the cross-compatible code for Android/iOS.
function checkLocationEnabledOrNot(_callback, _args) {
if (Titanium.Geolocation.locationServicesEnabled) {
} else {
alert("Turn on location on your device.");
// pass _callback method you want to call after successful access to location
// you can also pass arguments as 2nd parameter to the function you want to call
function startLocationProcess(_callback, _args) {
Ti.Geolocation.accuracy = Ti.Geolocation.ACCURACY_HIGH;
if (OS_IOS) {
checkLocationEnabledOrNot(_callback, _args);
} else if (OS_ANDROID) {
if (Ti.Geolocation.hasLocationPermissions()) {
checkLocationEnabledOrNot(_callback, _args);
} else {
Ti.Geolocation.requestLocationPermissions(Ti.Geolocation.AUTHORIZATION_ALWAYS, function (locationEvent) {
if (locationEvent.success) {
checkLocationEnabledOrNot(_callback, _args);
} else {
alert("Location permissions are required to access locations.");
Now, on a button click whatever you want to do after location check, you can simply do it like this:
function anotherFunction(name) {
$.someButton.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
startLocationProcess(anotherFunction, "Hello D.Ish");