Is it possible to customize DataTable
filter in PrimeNG
I have a requirement to filter data from outside of the p-dataTable
or from another component - such as a left rail that will filter datatable on the right side of left rail (see attached image).
You can filter data manually. Example setup (pseudocode):
parent component (contains filter component and DataTable)
<my-filter-component (onFilter)="Filter($event)"></my-filter-component>
<p-dataTable [value]="items" ...>
export class MyItemListComponent
private items: MyItemType[];
Filter(eventData: MyFilterType){
//extract filter values, process if needed(validate, etc.)
//now we have all filter data in variable filter
myItemFilterService.filter(filter).subscribe(data => {
this.items = data;
filter component
//your fields here bound to myFilter via NgModel
<input type="text" ... [(ngModel)] = "myFilter.Name" (keyup)="onSubmitFilter($event)">
export class MyFilterComponent {
private myFilter: MyFilterType;
public onFilter: EventEmitter<MyFilterType> = new EventEmitter<MyFilterType>();
Note: It's not a very good idea to call filter on each keystroke, so you probably want to create stream of filter change events and debounce it, but i have omitted this for simplicity. For reference on how to do this you can see official angular example