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Generate random numbers with bivariate gamma distribution in R

How to generate random numbers with bivariate gamma distribution. The density is:

F(X, Y)(x, y) = αp+qxp-1(y-x)q-1e-αy / [Γ(p) Γ(q)], 𝕀0≤ x≤ y

With y>x>0, α>0, p>0 and q>0.

I did not find any package on R that does this and nothing in literature.


  • This is straightforward:

    1. Generate X~ Gamma(p,alpha) (alpha being the rate parameter in your formulation)

    2. Generate W~ Gamma(q,alpha), independent of X

    3. Calculate Y=X+W

    4. (X,Y) have the required bivariate distribution.

    in R (assuming p,q,alpha and n are already defined):

    x <- rgamma(n,p,alpha)
    y <- x + rgamma(n,q,alpha)

    generates n values from the bivariate distribution with parameters p,q,alpha