I have a matrix of time series data as below and I want to create 104 replicates of it. The sample of original data as below (the total data include 104 years of monthly streamflows)
Month Year streamflow1 streamflow2
1 1913 3632 703
2 1913 2274 407
3 1913 4047 566
4 1913 3226 538
5 1913 4027 911
6 1913 6772 1779
7 1913 5335 1401
8 1913 8138 1626
9 1913 9769 1993
10 1913 6243 1463
11 1913 11913 2694
12 1913 6024 1482
1 1914 3506 674
2 1914 2062 392
3 1914 2083 417
4 1914 1945 428
5 1914 3587 568
6 1914 4035 846
7 1914 7969 1620
8 1914 6218 1588
9 1914 3512 894
10 1914 2277 651
11 1914 1820 519
12 1914 2316 485
1 1915 1751 417
2 1915 1252 327
3 1915 1513 304
4 1915 1817 312
5 1915 4361 653
6 1915 6356 1282
7 1915 7726 1660
8 1915 8852 1586
9 1915 7314 1721
10 1915 8391 1783
11 1915 5968 1702
12 1915 4008 764
and so on
The first replicate is the same as the original data but for the second replicate, the streamflow is from the first month of the second year and the third replicate, streamflows is from the first month of the third year and so on. It recycles when reaches the end of dataset. The example of first, second, and third replicate are as follow:
month year replicate streamflow1 streamflow2 1 1913 1 3632 703 1 1913 2 3506 674 1 1913 3 1751 417 2 1913 1 2274 407 2 1913 2 2062 392 2 1913 3 1252 327 1 1914 1 3506 674 1 1914 2 1751 417 1 1914 3 3632 703 2 1914 1 2062 392 2 1914 2 1252 327 2 1914 3 2274 407
Note: replicate 3 of year 2 recycled and so on
The post below answers the above question. There are two methods one with for-loop and there is a great suggestion to make it fast.