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How to set DTU for Azure Sql Database via Api?

I am able to create the Azure Sql database by mentioning the pricing tier.

I am trying to set the Memory and DTU for the database.

I am not able to find the Correct Api , Here is what i tried

PUT :<subscription-ID>/resourceGroups/<Resource-group-Name>/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/<Server-name>/databases/<Database-name>/?api-version=2014-04-01

Request Body :

                "location": "East Asia",
                "properties": {
                    "edition": "Premium",
                "sampleName": "blank database",

I am not getting the proper error message also , Can anyone guide me with the Parameter for setting DTU at Database Level ??


  • Can anyone guide me with the Parameter for setting DTU at Database Level ??

    The correct DTU parameter should be requestedServiceObjectiveName. Its type is enum. You could set following values for this property.

    S0, S1, S2, S3
    P1, P2, P4, P6, P11, P15
    System, System2

    Please check the corresponding DTU values as following.

    S0(10DTU), S1(20DTU), S2(50DTU), S3(100DTU)
    P1(125DTU), P2(250DTU), P4(500DTU), P6(1000DTU), P11(1750DTU), P15(4000DTU)
    System, System2