Search code examples

How do I define pagination parameters in my schema?

I am trying to create the ability to paginate through my data, but I'm not sure where I need to place the pagination variables.

Here is what I have in my schema:

const Query = new GraphQLObjectType({
  name: 'Query',
  description: 'This is a root Query',
  fields: () => {
    return {
      allPosts: {
        type: new GraphQLList(Post),
        args: {
          offset: {
            type: GraphQLInt
          first: {
            type: GraphQLInt
        resolve(root, args) {
          return{where: args});

In my args, I've created the variables offset and first to be able to use them. Inside in my graphiQL interface I can do this:

    allPosts() {

And it correctly retrieves all my posts. However if I try to do this:

    allPosts(offset:10, first: 10) {

"message": "Unknown column 'post.offset' in 'where clause'",


  • In Sequelize, offset is a separate option from where. Sequelize also doesn't have a first option, but it does have a limit. You can do something like:

    resolve(root, { offset, first: limit }) {
      return{offset, limit});

    You can check out the docs here to see all the options supported by findAll.