Is there an existing way with to deserialize a json string into an anonymous object (which has the json properties only) using a concrete type as template ?
{ X: 1, Z: 2 }
public class Point {
public float X { get; set; }
public float Y { get; set; }
public float Z { get; set; }
Desired deserialized ouput anonymous object :
new { X=1.0f, Z=1.0f } //Please note that X & Z are typed according to the Point class.
I want to do something like :
var @object = serializer.DeserializeAsAnonymous<Point>(json);
Why? I want to detect which properties of the model to update using reflection on both sides (model and provided deserialized json).
is the method I was looking for...
It doesn't produce an anonymous object, but it populates an existing object with the existing json properties.