This could be a very trivial question, but I have been searching how to get around it without much luck. I have a function to read from the serial port using the libserial function, the response I will get always finishes with a carriage return or a "\r" so, in order to read it, I was thinking in reading character by character comparing if it is not a \r and then storing each character into an array for later usage. My function is as follows:
void serial_read()
char character;
int numCharacter = 0;
char data[256];
while(character != '\r')
serial_port >> character;
character >> data[numCharacter];
cout << data;
In summary, probably my question should be how to store consecutive chars into an array. Thank you very much for your valuable insight.
I guess you intended
void serial_read()
char character = 0;
int numCharacter = 0;
char data[256];
while(character != '\r' && numCharacter < 255)
serial_port >> character;
data [numCharacter ++] = character;
data [numCharacter] = 0; // close "string"
cout << data;