I'm working in SQL Server 2014 Management Studio.
Not really sure how to explain this but it's best if I just explain with an example.
So I've figured out how to get the next lowest ID, that is fairly simple. But once i get that row i need to take the value from it and apply it to the next highest value.
If I have 4 rows
ID value
10 50
30 200
20 75
25 100
I want to take the value each row and applying to the row with the next highest ID. So it should look like this.
ID value
10 null or 0
30 100
20 50
25 75
Since there is no row before 10 ID, that row should have a value of null or 0, doesn't matter. And the others should just follow the pattern of taking the value from the row with the next lowest ID.
You're looking for LAG()
Select Id, Lag(Value) Over (Order By Id) As Value
From YourTable;
Working demo:
Declare @YourTable Table
Id Int,
Value Int
Insert @YourTable
Values (10, 50), (30, 200), (20, 75), (25, 100);
Select Id, Lag(Value) Over (Order By Id) As Value
From @YourTable;
Id Value
20 50
25 75
30 100