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Friendly usage of a Python iterable over a sequence of context managers

I'm writing a small library that tries to provide a persistent queue for dispatching jobs. My persistence code provides a way to iterate over pending job descriptions; I would also like to guarantee that dispatched jobs eventually get marked as completed or failed.

To do so, I first implemented it so that my user can do:

for c in some_iterator_object:
  with c as x:

I dislike this solution for several reasons. First of all, I want to grab a job description from my queue as a single operation (and fail if the queue is empty), so the acquisition is done by the __next__ method of the iterator, and the release in the __exit__ of the context manager.

To ensure that the context manager is called, my __next__ returns a wrapper class that cannot be substituted directly for the value, so it will throw a clear error if the user forgets to call the context manager.

Is there a way to collapse these two statements into a single one ? Ideally, i would like to let the user do

for x in some_iterator_object:

all while being able to intercept exceptions raised by the contents of the for block.

EDIT: I found out by experimenting that if i let an unfinished generator get garbage collected, the yield statement will raise an internal exception, so I can write something crude like

  success = False
  yield val
  success = True
  if success:

But if I understand correctly, this depends on the garbage collector to run, and it seems to be an internal mechanism that I shouldn't really touch.


  • If you want your context managers to be entered automatically as they are being returned by the iterator, you can write your own iterator class like this:

    class ContextManagersIterator:
        def __init__(self, it):
            self._it = iter(it)
            self._last = None
        def __iter__(self):
            return self
        def __next__(self):
            self.__exit__(None, None, None)
            item = next(self._it)
            self._last = item
            return item
        def __enter__(self):
            return self
        def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
            last = self._last
            if last is not None:
                self._last = None
                return last.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)

    Example usage:

    from contextlib import contextmanager
    def my_context_manager(name):
        print('enter', name)
            print('exit', name)
    sequence = [
    with ContextManagersIterator(sequence) as it:
        for item in it:
            print('  work')
    # Output:
    # enter x
    #   work
    # exit x
    # enter y
    #   work
    # exit y
    # enter z
    #   work
    # exit z

    This ContextManagersIterator class takes care of calling __enter__ on its values just before they are returned. __exit__ is called right before another value is returned (if everything went well) or when an exception has been raised in the loop.