I´ve been using the UNIVARIATE proccedure in order to get the p-value from a series of distributions (lognormal, exponential, gamma) and have reached the following problem:
I am using the following code to get the p-values of the goodness of fit tests for each of the distributions:
ods select all/*ParameterEstimates GoodnessOfFit*/;
proc univariate data=results.Parametros_Prueba_1;
var Monto_1.;
histogram /
lognormal (l=1 color=red SHAPE=&ParamLOGN2_1 SCALE=&ParamLOGN1_1)
gamma (l=1 color=red SHAPE=&ParamGAM1_1 SCALE=&ParamGAM2_1)
exponential (l=2 SCALE=&ParamEXP1_1);
ods output GoodnessOfFit=results.Goodness_1;
proc print data=results.Goodness_1;
After running the previous code I get the "Results" which gives me the histogram graphic and other descriptive information about the tests. I am looking for a way to get this "Results" print to show only the last part corresponding to the "proc print" added on the last line.
Thanks in advance!
If you want no output to the screen (results window) from PROC UNIVARIATE
, then the simplest answer is:
ods select none;
proc univariate ... ;
ods select all;
proc print ... ;
ods select none;
tells ODS to not make any ODS output whatsoever. You'll still get your ODS OUTPUT though as that comes in afterwards.
ods select none;
proc univariate data=sashelp.class;
var height;
histogram name='univhist' /
lognormal (l=1 color=red )
gamma (l=1 color=red )
exponential (l=2 );
ods output GoodnessOfFit=Goodness_1;
ods select all;
proc print data=Goodness_1;
Now, you'll note you don't get your histogram; that one is harder. It unfortunately changes its name every time you run it, and even if you use the NAME= option, that'll only work the first time it's run. You need to use PROC GREPLAY
to delete it.
proc greplay nofs igout=work.gseg;
delete 'univhist';
run; quit;
(Assuming UNIVHIST
is the name you assign it.)