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How can I extract a part of a xaml object graph via linq to xml?

I have an object graph serialized to xaml. A rough sample of what it looks like is:

<MyObject xmlns.... >
        <PolymorphicObjectOne .../>
        <HiImPolymorphic ... />

I want to use Linq to XML in order to extract the serialized objects within the TheCollection.

Note: MyObject may be named differently at runtime; I'm interested in any object that implements the same interface, which has a public collection called TheCollection that contains types of IPolymorphicLol.

The only things I know at runtime are the depth at which I will find the collection and that the collection element is named ``*.TheCollection`. Everything else will change.

The xml will be retrieved from a database using Linq; if I could combine both queries so instead of getting the entire serialized graph and then extracting the collection objects I would just get back the collection that would be sweet.


  • Will,

    It is not possible to find out whether an object implements some interface by looking at XAML.
    With constraints given you can find xml element that has a child named .

    You can use following code: It will return all elements having child element which name ends with .TheCollection

        static IEnumerable<XElement> FindElement(XElement root)
            foreach (var element in root.Elements())
                if (element.Name.LocalName.EndsWith(".TheCollection"))
                    yield return element.Parent;
                foreach (var subElement in FindElement(element))
                    yield return subElement;

    To make sure that object represented by this element implements some interface you need to read metadata from your assemblies. I would recommend you to use Mono.Cecil framework to analyze types in your assemblies without using reflection.