I have an table with all our orders. The orders are linked to a person. And every person is attached to a company. Now I need a list of all companies have never ordered before a certain date. The query works fine, but it's very slow.
This is my T-SQL query:
DISTINCT p1.company_id
order o
JOIN person p1 ON (o.person_id = p1.id AND p1.company_id IS NOT NULL)
o.orderDate > '2017-01-01'
o.orderDate < '2017-09-01'
order o2
JOIN person p2 ON (o2.person_id = p2.id AND p2.company_id = p1.company_id)
o2.orderDate < '2017-01-01')
I've already changed it from a NOT IN to a NOT EXISTS. Since this was what most people here recommended. Didn't help much. A better index improved the situation a bit, but the query is still slow. I assume it's because for every order it has to do the sub-query.
This is the execution plan:
For simplicity reasons I removed a few WHERE clauses in my example above)
The query runs on Azure SQL (and SQL Server Express 12 for development)
Anyone has a better idea on how to solve this?
If you have execution plan to share, it will help on performance analyse.
I made some change on query as below, you may try if that improve it
SELECT p1.company_id
FROM order o
INNER JOIN person p1
ON (o.person_id = p1.id AND p1.company_id IS NOT NULL)
GROUP BY p1.company_id
HAVING SUM(CASE WHEN (o.orderDate > '2017-01-01' AND o.orderDate < '2017-09-01') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) > 0
SUM(CASE WHEN orderDate < '2017-01-01' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = 0