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Removing Extra blank lines Python

Hi I was making a code that turns input into a way that it seemed as if you were talking like a snake(IDK I was bored) and in the while loop it seems to print extra blank lines, how can I change my code to remove those extra lines?. my code:

line = input("Line: ")
while line != "":
  line = input("Line: ")
  line = line.replace('s','sss')
  line = line.replace('S','Sss')

desired output(my output is that same except after 3rd 'Line: ' I have a blank line below(SO didn't allow my blank line as valid code)):

Line: Say, what sound does a snake make?
    Sssay, what sssound doesss a sssnake make?
    Line: Hiss


  • It looks like what you meant is this:

    line = input("Line: ")
    while line:
        line = line.replace('s','sss')
        line = line.replace('S','Sss')
        line = input("Line: ")

    So the print is inside the loop, and it inputs a new line at the end of your loop, right before the while condition checks if it is empty.