I want to select optional relationships in sql-server-2017-graph. Similar to optional
in sparql e.g.:
PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
SELECT ?name ?mbox
WHERE { ?x foaf:name ?name .
OPTIONAL { ?x foaf:mbox ?mbox }
from https://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rq23/#OptionalMatching.
And similar to LEFT JOIN
in normal sql; e.g.:
SELECT name, mbox
FROM Persons
LEFT JOIN PersonMailBoxLink ON Persons.$node_id = PersonMailBoxLink.$from_id
LEFT JOIN MailBoxes ON PersonMailBoxLink.$to_id = MailBoxes.$node_id
Is there an easier way via MATCH
The documentation of MATCH
describes no 'optional' construct and the remarks state:
operators are not supported in theMATCH
can be combined with other expressions usingAND
in theWHERE
clause. However, combining it with other expressions usingOR
is not supported.
You can combine LEFT JOIN
with MATCH
. Put the optional MATCH
in a separate nested query. Put the optional subquery in a LEFT JOIN
The query is a bit cumbersome. The main graph search pattern and the optional graph search pattern need separate Node
-tables to use the graph MATCH
-syntax. A third instance of the Node
-table is needed to LEFT JOIN
the optional clause on. This third Node
-table instance must be separate from the Node
-table used to MATCH
the main query part on since using MATCH
requires1 a table_or_view_name
and cannot use a <joined_table>
The OP example has no main graph search pattern, so there is little benefit from using a nested JOIN
. However, this would be the resulting query:
SELECT [pLhs].[name],
FROM [Persons] as [pLhs]
SELECT [pRhs].$node_id AS [pRhsNodeId],
FROM [Persons] as [pRhs]
WHERE MATCH ([Persons]-([PersonMailBoxLink])->[MailBoxes])
) AS [optionalGsp] ON [pLhs].$node_id = [optionalGsp].[pRhsNodeId];
A more extended example with both a main graph search pattern and an optional graph search pattern give a better demonstration of combing graph MATCH
with optional LEFT JOIN
. The following uses the SQL Graph Sample Database; select John's friends and optionally the restaurants that these friends like:
SELECT [Person].[Name] as friend,
FROM [Person] AS person1,
[Person] AS person2,
[Person] AS person2Lhs
SELECT person2Rhs.$node_id AS rhsNodeId,
[Restaurant].[Name] AS restaurantName
FROM [Person] AS person2Rhs,
WHERE MATCH (person2Rhs-(likes)->Restaurant)
) AS optionalGsp
WHERE MATCH (person1-(friendOf)->person2)
AND person1.name = 'John'
AND person2.$node_id = person2Lhs.$node_id
In the original sample database every person likes a restaurant, so the is no difference between the complicate query above and MATCH(person1-(friendOf)->person2-(likes)->Restaurant)
. However, when you delete Sally liking Ginger and Spice:
WHERE $from_id = (SELECT $node_id FROM Persons WHERE name = 'Sally')
AND $to_id = (SELECT $node_id FROM Restaurants WHERE name = 'Ginger and Spice')
The query with the optional LEFT JOIN
still returns Sally as a friend of John
. The results show NULL
for Sally's restaurant. MATCH(person1-(friendOf)->person2-(likes)->Restaurant)
does not show Sally.
§Arguments and Use views and table valued functions as node or edge tables in match clauses describe this restriction on the tables that can be used in the MATCH