I have Oracle 12c DB table and one of it's column utc_timestamp is of type
It stores timestamp in UTC while current_timestamp
and systimestamp
both gives timestamp in different timezones.
How can I get time difference in MAX(utc_timestamp)
and current_timestamp
in minutes ignoring time difference due to different time zones.
For example:
select current_timestamp from dual;
select systimestamp from dual;
Gives=> 23-AUG-17 PM -04:00
select max(UTC_TIMESTAMP) from table_name;
Gives=> 23-AUG-17 PM +00:00
For above condition when I run SQL to check time difference between in MAX(utc_timestamp)
and current_timestamp
I should get number 3.
I think I need something like:
select (extract(minute from current_timestamp) - extract(minute from max(UTC_TIMESTAMP)) * 1440) AS minutesBetween from table_name;
But different timezones are messing it up and I get negative number like -4317. This might be correct as current_timestamp will be higher than max(utc_timestamp) being in CST. So I tried:
select (extract(minute from CAST(current_timestamp as TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE)) - extract(minute from max(UTC_TIMESTAMP)) * 1440) AS minutesBetween from table_name;
This SQL runs without error but producing a big negative number like -83461. Please help me find what am I doing wrong.
You really have two problems here.
One is to convert CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
to UTC. That is trivial:
select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' from dual [.....]
(use the AT TIME ZONE clause https://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14225/ch4datetime.htm#i1007699)
The other is that the difference between two timestamps is an interval, not a number.
select current_timestamp at time zone 'UTC'
- to_timestamp_tz('24-AUG-17 AM UTC', 'dd-MON-yy hh.mi.ss.ff AM TZR')
from dual;
produces something like
+00 00:02:39.366000
which means + (positive difference) 00 days, 00 hours, 02 minutes, 39.366 seconds.
If you just want the minutes (always rounded down), you may wrap this whole expression within extract( minute from < ...... > )
. Be aware though that the answer will still be 2 (minutes) even if the difference is five hours and two minutes. It is probably best to leave the result in interval data type, unless you are 100% sure (or more) that the result is always less than 1 hour.