Note the picture below. i want put table header on page 2 like table header on page 1.
I used the below code and when use the header function it gave me the below error.
$pdf' (T_VARIABLE), expecting function (T_FUNCTION) in D:\xampp\htdocs\karyawan\upah\cetak_upah_h.php on line 75
This is my code :
require_once ("../fpdf/fpdf.php");
class h4PDF extends FPDF{
function Header(){
$this->Cell(0.5, 1, "No", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(3, 1, "Nama", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(2.9, 0.5, "Masuk Kerja", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(1.5, 0.5, "Lembur", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(0.5, 0.5, "Pre", "T", '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(5, 0.5, "Upah", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(3.75, 0.5, "Lembur", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(1.25, 1, "Premi", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(1.5, 1, "Total", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(3.5, 0.5, "", 0, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(0.6, 0.5, "Hari", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(1, 0.5, "1/2Hari", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(0.5, 0.5, "UT", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(0.8, 0.5, "Jam", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(0.5, 0.5, "1", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(0.5, 0.5, "2", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(0.5, 0.5, "Lbr", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(0.5, 0.5, "mi", 1, 'B', "C", false);
$this->Cell(1.25, 0.5, "Kerja", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(1.25, 0.5, "1/2 Hari", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(1.25, 0.5, "UT", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(1.25, 0.5, "Sejam", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(1.25, 0.5, "Lb 1", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(1.25, 0.5, "Lb 2", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(1.25, 0.5, "Lb Libur", 1, '0', "C", false);
$pdf = new FPDF('P','cm',array(21.5,33));
$pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 255);
$pdf->SetDrawColor( 0, 0, 0, 255);
$pdf = new h4PDF();
Note: page can be more than two
You have to create a header function and extend the FPDF. Below is an example code you can experiment with it.
class h4PDF extends FPDF{
function Header(){
$this->Image('../../images/logo.png', 10,6,30);
$this->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 12);
$this->Cell(50, 10, 'Report Name', 0, 0,'C');
$this->Cell(0.5, 1, "No", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(3, 1, "Nama", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(2.9, 0.5, "Masuk Kerja", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(1.5, 0.5, "Lembur", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(0.5, 0.5, "Pre", "T", '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(5, 0.5, "Upah", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(3.75, 0.5, "Lembur", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(1.25, 1, "Premi", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(1.5, 1, "Total", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(3.5, 0.5, "", 0, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(0.6, 0.5, "Hari", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(1, 0.5, "1/2Hari", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(0.5, 0.5, "UT", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(0.8, 0.5, "Jam", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(0.5, 0.5, "1", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(0.5, 0.5, "2", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(0.5, 0.5, "Lbr", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(0.5, 0.5, "mi", 1, 'B', "C", false);
$this->Cell(1.25, 0.5, "Kerja", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(1.25, 0.5, "1/2 Hari", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(1.25, 0.5, "UT", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(1.25, 0.5, "Sejam", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(1.25, 0.5, "Lb 1", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(1.25, 0.5, "Lb 2", 1, '0', "C", false);
$this->Cell(1.25, 0.5, "Lb Libur", 1, '0', "C", false);
When you start the creation of your PDF call the above function,
$pdf = new h4PDF();
//Skip.. (This code is too long to display)
//Skip.. (This code is too long to display)