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How can I choose a different ClearDb MySQL database type within an ARM template?

I am trying to manually code a ClearDB MySQL database resource within an ARM template to be of the 'Dedicated' type and of the 'Jupiter' tier, but I can't seem to find any documentation that shows how to do so within a template.

I know the ARM resource would look something like this:

      "apiVersion": "2014-01-01",
      "name": "[variables('databaseName')]",
      "type": "SuccessBricks.ClearDB/databases",
      "plan": {
        "name": "Jupiter",
        "product": "databases",
        "publisher": "cleardb"
      "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
      "tags": {}

but where is the property that defines whether the database is shared or dedicated?


  • I create the ClearDB MySQL database with different Database Types (Shared and Dedicated), and I check and compare the templates via Automation options.

    enter image description here


    Database Type: Shared

        "$schema": "",
        "contentVersion": "",
        "parameters": {
            "cdbName": {
                "type": "string"
            "cdbLocation": {
                "type": "string"
            "cdbSku": {
                "type": "string"
        "resources": [
                "apiVersion": "2014-04-01",
                "name": "[parameters('cdbName')]",
                "location": "[parameters('cdbLocation')]",
                "tags": {
                    "provision_source": "RMS"
                "type": "SuccessBricks.ClearDB/databases",
                "plan": {
                    "name": "[parameters('cdbSku')]",
                    "product": "databases",
                    "publisher": "cleardb"

    Database Type: Dedicated

        "$schema": "",
        "contentVersion": "",
        "parameters": {
            "cdbName": {
                "type": "string"
            "cdbLocation": {
                "type": "string"
            "cdbSku": {
                "type": "string"
            "clusterName": {
                "type": "string"
        "resources": [
                "apiVersion": "2014-04-01",
                "name": "[parameters('clusterName')]",
                "location": "[parameters('cdbLocation')]",
                "tags": {
                    "provision_source": "RMS"
                "type": "SuccessBricks.ClearDB/clusters",
                "plan": {
                    "name": "[parameters('cdbSku')]",
                    "product": "cluster",
                    "publisher": "cleardb_clusters"
                "apiVersion": "2014-04-01",
                "name": "xxxcleardbtest",
                "location": "[parameters('cdbLocation')]",
                "tags": {
                    "provision_source": "RMS"
                "type": "SuccessBricks.ClearDB/databases",
                "plan": {
                    "name": "Free"
                "dependsOn": [
                    "[concat('SuccessBricks.ClearDB/clusters/', parameters('clusterName'))]"
                "properties": {
                    "cluster": "/subscriptions/[object Object]/resourcegroups/xxxxxxxx/providers/SuccessBricks.ClearDB/clusters/DefaultCluster"

    In Database Type: Dedicated template, we can find the resource SuccessBricks.ClearDB/databases is defined with a dependent (SuccessBricks.ClearDB/clusters) via dependsOn element. According to the template you provide, your database type is Shared.