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Azure Timer Trigger webjob: Function is being recognised but not being triggered

I have an Azure timer trigger webjob, deployed in two different environments with two different storage accounts. The webjobs have been deployed for about two months now, and were running as expected for quite some time. However, for about a week now, the function is being recognised but not being executed.

Here is how the logs look:

Found the following functions:
Job host started

Nothing happens after the Job host is started, i.e., the function ProcessTimerMessage is not called/executed. This is how the function looks:

public static void ProcessTimerMessage([TimerTrigger("0 */2 * * * *", RunOnStartup = true)] TimerInfo info, TextWriter log)
        //function logic

This is how the Main method looks like:

static void Main()
            JobHostConfiguration config = new JobHostConfiguration();
            var host = new JobHost(config);

The same is occurring even when I try to debug the webjob locally. What could be the possible reason/resolution?

Any help appreciated.


  • What could be the possible reason/resolution?

    As Thoms mentioned that it seems that the same storage account is used for another webjob or others.

    We could debug it with following ways:

    1.Try to use another storage account

    2.Check the webjob log from the storage

    We could get more info about Webjob log from the blog.