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Remove line break within cell google spreadsheet

Is there an easy way to remove the line breaks within each cell?Spreadsheet Image

Each cell on column E, has extra line that I am having to manually remove, any easy to remove all.


  • How about following sample? This sample supposes that the line break is \r\n and \n.

    FLow :

    1. Retrieve the information of line break.
    2. If the line break is \r\n, when the number of \r\n is more than 2, it is modified to char(10).

    Sample :

    =IF(REGEXMATCH(E1, "\r\n"),REGEXREPLACE(E1, "(\r\n){2,}", char(10)),REGEXREPLACE(E1, "(\n){2,}", char(10)))

    Result :

    enter image description here

    If you want to remove all of the line break, you can use =CLEAN(A1). In this case, the result of the result sheet becomes sample1sample2sample3sample4sample5.

    If this was not helpful for you, I'm sorry.