Search code examples

Search TinCan Verbs

Is it possible to filter/search for verbs containing some text in the ID using TinCan?

I.e. below I want to find all verbs that start with a particular ID in the URL?

Or do I have to download all of them and filter?

            params: {
                verb: new TinCan.Verb(
                        id: "*"
                since: "2016-01-05T08:34:16Z"
            callback: function (err, sr) {
                if (err !== null) {
                    console.log("Failed to query statements: " + err);
                    // TODO: do something with error, didn't get statements

                if (sr.more !== null) {
                    // TODO: additional page(s) of statements should be fetched
                console.log('query complete');
                // TODO: do something with statements in sr.statements


  • It isn't possible from the LRS' /statements resource. That resource was never intended as a full query interface and the LRS isn't intended to be searched for direct reporting purposes. It should be thought of more as a stream of data with limited filter capabilities to allow the stream to be manageable for specific long term use cases. So you can "filter" the stream on a specific single identifier, but you can't "search" the statements.