I am having serious difficulty coming up with a definition for condition
in the following code. Hoping for an example and insight:
// a computation expression builder class
type Builder() =
[<CustomOperation( "condition",
MaintainsVariableSpaceUsingBind = true )>]
member this.Condition(p, [<ProjectionParameter>] b) =
condition p b
let attemp = AttemptBuilder()
let test =
attempt { let x, y = exp1, exp2
condition booleanExpr(x, y)
return (x, y) }
I presume b
is implicitly ( fun x, y -> booleanExpr(x, y) )
. The term booleanExpr(x, y)
is just some Boolean expression involving x
and y
Found It:
let condition p guard = ( fun () ->
match p() with
| Some x when guard x -> Some x
| _ -> None )