I am working on a project having GraphCool, Lokka and Nodejs. I had to pass itemsIds: [ID!]
, now when an array of strings is passed into string literal the array becomes [id1, id2, id3]
and the mutation needs ["id1", "id2", "id3"]
. The problem is also same for Apollo GraphQL. I somehow solved the problem using the below code. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a simple solution? -
let cc = '';
data.allCarts[0].items.map(item => cc = cc.concat(`'${item.id}',`));
cc = cc.concat(`'${itemid}'`);
console.log('mogg ', cc);
cc = cc.replace(/'/g, '"');
console.log('gogg ', cc);
let nodeid = data.allCarts[0].id;
console.log('Node:: ', nodeid, 'items:: ', cc);
uo: updateCart(id: "${nodeid}", itemsIds: [${cc}]){
(response) => {
console.log('cart update:: ', response.uo);
sendTextMessage(user, 'Done adding to cart, choose to add more');
.catch(error => console.error(error));
Inserting the values of your arguments directly into the query string is clunky -- that's what variables are for.
is looking for an array of IDs so let's give them that:
const cc = data.allCarts[0].items.map(item => item.id).concat(itemid);
Then... with lokka:
const mutation = `($nodeid: ID, $cc: [ID!]){
uo: updateCart(id: $nodeid, itemsIds: $cc){
const variables = { nodeid, cc }
client.mutate(mutation, variables)
Or... with Apollo:
const mutation = gql`mutation UpdateCart($nodeid: ID, $cc: [ID!]){
updateCart(id: $nodeid, itemsIds: $cc){
const variables = { nodeid, cc }
client.mutate({mutation, variables})