I am trying to get data from firebase realtime database in android. I have created a json data file and imported the json file in firebase database. The data file looks like this :
"data": [
"name" : "one",
"age" : "ten"
"name" : "two",
"age" : "twenty"
I have created a POJO class. Now how can I get all the json objects from the array? I've searched for a while but can't understand what will be the reference & child here.
I would recommend changing your Firebase structure as following:
node.Take this example:
As you can see in the picture every user has a specific id. Firebase provides for every user an unique id which you can get with String userId= user.getUid();
You can create unique ids aswell and get them using String key = Database.child("users").push().getKey();
(not advised to be used for user ids)
If you wish to read the data you structured I recommend reading this.
Also read this.