Is it possible to compute a hough line transform of array of xy floating points, similar to this matlab code in python?
the data looks like
Your example in MATLAB only works on integer (x,y) coordinates.
For example
% I use a 10x10 identity matrix to simulate a line of points
% And scale the resulting x, y coordinates to be floating point
[X, Y] = find(eye(10));
X = X * 0.1;
Y = Y * 0.1;
A = full(sparse(X, Y, true));
Throws the error
Error using sparse. Index into matrix must be an integer.
If you want to convert floating point coordinates into a binary matrix, the only way I know of is to decimate your space.
% Precision of the decimated grid
scale = .01;
% Scale the X, Y values to be integers greater than 1
row_indices = round((Y - min(Y))/scale) + 1;
col_indices = round((X - min(X))/scale) + 1;
% row values also need to be flipped
% i.e. y = 0 should be the maximum row in the matrix to maintain the same orientation of the coordinate system
row_indices = max(row_indices) - row_indices + 1;
% Create matrix using your method
A = full(sparse(row_indices, col_indices, true));
% Each row and column in A corresponds to the value in these range vectors
xrange = min(X):scale:max(X);
yrange = max(Y):-scale:min(Y);
To test whether these transformations produced the desired result. I plotted the matrix.
subplot(1,2,1); imagesc(A);
xticks(1:20:100); xticklabels(xrange(1:20:end));
yticks(1:20:100); yticklabels(yrange(1:20:end));
subplot(1,2,2); plot(X, Y, 'ko');
And it's looking good.
A similar approach should be easy to implement using numpy.