so i am receiving text from a web socket connection, and adding it to a Text component. It starts off as grey, and then turns into black after x amount of time ( The app processes the text ). I have the code below
<Text style={styles.confirmedText}>
<Animated.Text style={{ fontFamily: "Helvetica Neue", color: "#9b9b9b" }}>
So this tempText
is constantly changing, but i want there to be a fade-in animation when the text goes from an empty string -> some / any text at all. Any ideas how i could do this?
Note: i know my code hasn't attempted to implement this but I haven't been able to find any working samples using Animated.Text to follow.
Thanks in advance,
EDIT: Better yet, if temp had a value of say "some text", and a word was added to it, eg "some text plus", the added word "plus" to be animated in individually would be great. Seems difficult though
First, you'll want to set up an Animated value like this:
this.opacity = new Animated.Value(0)
Then, when you receive the text you'll want to start the animation:
Animated.timing(this.opacity, {
duration: 350, // some number in milliseconds
toValue: 1, // or whatever final opacity you'd like
Finally, you'll need to interpolate that value on your Animated.Text component:
opacity: this.opacity.interpolate({
inputRange: [0, 1],
outputRange: [0, 1],
extrapolate: 'clamp',
Hopefully, that can get you started!