According to Xcode Instruments 8.3 Display Settings button missing, many of the options previously present in the right-side "record settings" pane in Instruments 8.2.1 have moved to the bottom bar. However, I consistently seem to be missing settings that were previously present.
As a specific example, take the Points of Interest instrument (see Alternative to DTSendSignalFlag to identify key events in Instruments? for details on its use). Here is a blank template to which the Points of Interest instrument has been added in Instruments 8.2.1:
Note the options in the bottom-right pane, like "Color using last argument." Here's the same setup with Instruments 8.3.3:
As far as I can tell, those options are gone. This is also the case for beta versions of Instruments 9.0. Where are those options hiding, or have they been removed entirely, just a year after their introduction?