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Xtext: Use EClass in XExpression

I am writing on a Xtext grammar that uses XExpressions and also operates on Eclasses. Now I want to also be able to access Eclasses from the XExpression, for example I write an expression like this:

Eclass1.attribute1 = Eclass2.attribute1

I would like to know, how I can use the Eclass from within the XExpression?


grammar org.xtext.example.mydsl.Mydsl with 

import "" as ecore

generate mydsl ""

(operations += Operation)*;

terminal ATTR : ID ('.' ID)+;

'operation' left=[ecore::EClass|ATTR] 'and' right=
 [ecore::EClass|ATTR] 'defined' 'as' condition=XExpression

Inferrer/ Infer method

def dispatch void infer(Model element, IJvmDeclaredTypeAcceptor acceptor, boolean isPreIndexingPhase) {
      acceptor.accept(element.toClass("example.mydsl")) [
        for (operation : element.operations) {
            left = operation.left
            right = operation.right
            if (left.eIsProxy()) {
                left = EcoreUtil.resolve(left, operation) as EClass
            if (right.eIsProxy()) {
                right = EcoreUtil.resolve(right, operation) as EClass
            //field for right class left out, but works the same
            members += left.toField(,typeRef("."    
            members += operation.toMethod("conditionExpr", 
            typeRef(Void.TYPE)) [
                body = operation.condition



    class MyDslRuntimeModule extends AbstractMyDslRuntimeModule {

       def Class<? extends ImplicitlyImportedFeatures> bindImplicitlyImportedTypes() {
       return MyImportFeature



class MyImportFeature extends ImplicitlyImportedFeatures{
override protected getStaticImportClasses() {
    (super.getStaticImportClasses() + #[PackageFromWorkSpace]).toList



  • I Am not sure if i get your question. Ususally EMF generates constants for EAttributes so if you want to access the attributes themselfs so you could either do MyDslPackage.Literals.GREETING__NAME or MyDslPackage.eINSTANCE.getGreeting_Name()

    can you give some more hints on what you actually want to do

    update: here is a snippet on how to get a java class from a reference to an eclass

        val EClass eclazz = f.clazz
        val uri = EcorePlugin.getEPackageNsURIToGenModelLocationMap(true).get(eclazz.EPackage.nsURI)
        val rs = new ResourceSetImpl
        val r = rs.getResource(uri, true)
        val p = r.contents.head
        if (p instanceof GenModel) {
            val genClass = p.findGenClassifier(eclazz)
            if (genClass instanceof GenClass) {
                members+=f.toField(, genClass.qualifiedInterfaceName.typeRef)