I am working on my game engine and i get some error which i dont know how to fix. I have Camera which have pointer to GameObject but whenever i use him it said that it is undefined type GameObject. I work at Visual studio 2017 and it give me error C2027.
I already have forward declarating and pointer is assigned to object right in constructor. I look on this page but Thx for any help.
here is camera.h
#pragma once
#include <SDL.h>
#include <SDL_image.h>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
class GameObject;
#include "Camera_manager.h"
#include "gameObject.h"
#include "Interface_SDL.h"
#include "Layer_manager.h"
#include "Vector2f.h"
#include "Typedef.h"
class Camera : public Interface_SDL
Camera(float relativeX, float relativeY, GameObject* ownerObject, ScreenDestination screenDestination, float cameraResolutionWidth, float cameraResolutionHeight, Layer_manager* layerManager);
//Pozice kamery
Vector2f _relativeLocation;
//Object kde je umístěna
GameObject* _ownerObject;
bool active;
float _cameraResolutionWidth;
float _cameraResolutionHeight;
inline float getCameraResolutionWidth() { return _cameraResolutionWidth; }
inline float getCameraResolutionHeight() { return _cameraResolutionHeight; }
//Getter pro rozměry kamery v rozmezí 0 - 1
float getCameraWidthInPercent() { return _screenDestination.XEnd - _screenDestination.XStart; }
float getCameraHeightInPercent() { return _screenDestination.YEnd - _screenDestination.YStart; }
//Vrací pozici na obrazovce
inline float getScreenXstart() {return _screenDestination.XStart * Interface_SDL::_windowWidth; }
inline float getScreenYstart() { return _screenDestination.YStart * Interface_SDL::_windowHeight; }
ScreenDestination _screenDestination;
Layer_manager* _layerManager;
//getter of LayerManager
Layer_manager* getLayerManger() { return _layerManager;}
inline Vector2f getWorldPos() { return _relativeLocation + _ownerObject->getWorldLocation(); }
inline float getWorldPosX() { return _relativeLocation.GetX() + _ownerObject->getWorldLocation().GetX(); }
inline float getWorldPosY() { return _relativeLocation.GetY() + _ownerObject->getWorldLocation().GetY(); }
SDL_Texture* getTexture(int layerNumber);
//Věco pro mazání textur
SDL_Texture* cleaningTexture;
SDL_Rect* cleaningRect;
SDL_Texture* textureLayer0;
SDL_Texture* textureLayer1;
SDL_Texture* textureLayer2;
SDL_Texture* textureLayer3;
SDL_Texture* textureLayer4;
SDL_Texture* textureLayer5;
SDL_Texture* textureLayer6;
SDL_Texture* textureLayer7;
SDL_Texture* textureLayer8;
SDL_Texture* textureLayer9;
//Funkce pro správu textur
//Vyčistí všechny Layery a nastaví je na NO USED
void clearAllLayers();
//Vyčistí texturu která se vloží
void clearTexture(SDL_Texture* texture);
//resize layers
void resizeLayers(int width, int height);
void handleEvents();
void update();
The compiler obviously has right :D.
You had a forwar declaration of GameObject
that is fine. What is not fine is here:
inline Vector2f getWorldPos() { return _relativeLocation + _ownerObject->getWorldLocation(); }
How can know the compiler that _ownerObject
has a method getWorldLocation
You need or to include GameObject
definitions or delcare that function inside cpp file and include the right headers.