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Saving drawn layer and updating the layer switcher without reloading page

I am using OpenLayers 3.9 draw feature to create layers and save them in a PostgreSQL database and publishing them using geoserver so I can use the WMS to display the saved layers.

Whenever the map page is loaded I am generating the following javascript file using a php script which runs a loop and defines all the existing layers (like drw1, drw2, .. ) to get the layers from geoserver and I use ol3-layerswitcher to list all the layers that are loaded.

var drw1 = new ol.layer.Tile({
    title: 'draw_test_1',
        source: new ol.source.TileWMS(({
            url: 'http://localhost:8080/geoserver/TEST/wms',
                'LAYERS': 'draw_test_1',
                'TILED': true
            serverType: 'geoserver'

Currently, I am refreshing the map page whenever a new layer is saved so that the js file gets updated and the new layer will be added and gets displayed in layerswitcher.

I want to save the layer and refresh the layer switcher without reloading the map. I tried using ajax to save the layer and update the js file in background and adding the updated js file again.

    $('#savelayer').click(function() {
            type: 'POST',
            url: 'savelyr.php',
            data: 'slyrname='+$('#slyrname').val()+'&getdrawn='+$('#getdrawn').val(),
            success: function(msg) {
            url: 'maplayers.php',
            success: function() {
                var s1 = document.createElement("script");
                s1.src = "src/ol/map.js";
                s1.innerHTML = null;
                document.getElementById("scripts").innerHTML = "";
                console.log("Success 2");

The js file gets updated and is being added to the map page but I am not sure how to update the layer switcher to show the new layer in the list. I believe that the renderPanel() function in ol3-layerswitcher auto updates the list every time it's closed and opened. But it doesn't seem to work.

So I think the problem is with the way I am adding the js file after saving. Can someone let me know where the problem is or what I need to do to get the layer switcher updated without reloading the page?


  • After a bit of struggle trying to figure out what the problem is I gave up and modified my code like this. This just defines the new layer and adds it to the map and layer switcher.

        var num = 0;
        var tmp = "tmp"+num;
        var s = "s"+num;
        $('#savelayer').click(function() {
            var slyrname = $('#slyrname').val();
                type: 'POST',
                url: 'savelyr.php',
                data: 'slyrname='+$('#slyrname').val()+'&getdrawn='+$('#getdrawn').val(),
                success: function(msg) {
                        url: 'map.php',
                        success: function() {
                            var s = document.createElement("script");
                            s.innerHTML = 
                            "var "+tmp+" = new ol.layer.Tile({"+
                                "title: '"+slyrname+"',"+
                                "source: new ol.source.TileWMS({"+
                                "url: 'http://localhost:8080/geoserver/WS/wms',"+
                            console.log("Success 2");

    A better approach can still be useful.