I'm trying to construct a little mobile optimized web. This web list a set of results for business and I need that android interpret the telephone link.
I have watch other webs and android show an especial intem for telephone links (with a telephone green image in a grey button) but when I try it, it seems like a usual link.
I have tried with microformars (vcard) and it not works.
My code:
<ul id="search-results">
<li class="vcard" id="i53380"><!-- pro//ginecologo_madrid/clinica-dam/ -->
<p class="fn">
<a class="url" href="/ginecologo_madrid/clinica-dam/">Name of bussiness</a>
<p class="adr"><span class="street-address">Street - zipcode</span> <span class="locality">Locality</span></p>
<p class="tel">
<a href="tel://+34 XXXXXXXXX" class="value" >+34 XXXXXXXXX</a>
<!-- more results -->
Any idea?
There should be no // after the :
and NOT tel://+34 XXXXXXXXX